
We were amazed by the quality of entries for our recent ‘make a new word for English’ competition. That 8 to 11 year olds could be so inventive with language was heartening. Some of our favourite entries were: yayday                   The best day […]

Inventing words

To access learning, to build relationships and to develop emotional understanding, children need to have words. Now, perhaps more than ever there is an awareness that for children to reach their potential, they need a well-developed vocabulary. For over 10 years the Word Aware approach has been helping teachers to […]

Vocabulary for every learner

By Nicky Felton (SENCO and Literacy Co-ordinator) When reviewing progress within our school, we felt that many of our children had poor language skills and limited understanding of vocabulary. This was particularly evident when children moved into Key Stage 2 when it became clear that, although they could read and […]

Creating a Word Aware School

Word games really can improve vocabulary. This is because most word games use semantic and / or phonological skills, which are the exact same skills that we need for learning words. A simple pun will play with the sounds of words and require the listener to reflect on word meanings […]

Word games develop vocabulary