Commissioning Word Aware

There are three courses:

Early Years This course is based on Word Aware 2 and is for all children in Early Years including Nursery and Reception.
Primary This course is based on Word Aware 1.

This course touches on Early Years but is primary focussed.

Secondary Word Aware 1 can be easily adapted for secondary aged pupils. Supplementary information and resources to adapt for this age group will be provided by the trainers.



Course fees Whole day face to face courses:    £1100 for up to 50 people     £1375 for up to 150 people

On-line courses 

Whole day:                    £800 up to 25 people                                  £1000 up to 98 people

Inset:                              £300 up to 25 people                                  £375 up to 98 people

Half day:                        £450 up to 25 people                                   £550 up to 98 people

To do the full Word Aware course this takes one day, 3 twighlights or half day and one twilght.

Travel Train fares to you. Anna is based in Herefordshire. Stephen is in London
Accommodation If the journey is more than an hour and a half from either of Stephen’s or Anna’s home then we will need accommodation the night before. We book simple accommodation. If travelling a particularly long way then accommodation may be needed for after the course also e.g. travelling to/from Scotland.



  • We offer a free one hour presenatation to CENs (SLTs clinical excellence networks) or 25% reduction for longer courses.
  • We invoice after the course. We are not VAT registered.
  • For face to face course we expect to be provided with lunch on the day.
  • We charge the same whether it is one or both trainers.
  • We email organisers a copy of the PowerPoint slides, worksheets and evaluation form. It is the organiser’s responsibility to copy these for your participants. We recommend that you don’t photocopy the PowerPoint slides. These can be emailed to participants or saved on a shared drive. You do need to print the worksheets and evaluation forms.
  • Organisers need to arrange for attendees to have access to books both on the day and afterwards. Attendees will need enough for easy accessibility in the workplace e.g. one per base/school. If you are selling places on the course it is best if the book is included in the course price, so they can start using it immediately they get back to their workplace. Books may be purchased directly from Speechmark Publishing or online.
  • If you need to cancel a course then let us know in good time. If you are worried about not having enough participants to make it viable let us know your concerns as soon as possible. We will only charge for the costs we have incurred up to that point.
  • If we are forced to cancel a course because of circumstances beyond our control we will not charge you. However, we take no responsibility for any costs incurred by you. We have never had to cancel a course yet.
  • For face to face cources we tend to train up to 50 people at a time as this gives opportunities for discussion and support. However, we are happy to train larger groups (up to 150) but audiences larger than over 50 will incur an additional charge. With larger groups the facilities need to be of high standard. Efficient break and lunchtimes are essential. Once a group is over 50 people we will require amplification.
  • For face to face courses we require a laptop (able to run PowerPoint) with internet connection, data projector, flip chart and pens. Ideally speakers are required also.
  • From experience these course works best if participants are able to sit at tables of 4 to 6. If no tables are possible then we suggest arranging chairs into clusters to encourage group work.
  • After completing the basic one day introduction course all attendees then have the skills to implement ‘Word Aware’ in their own schools. We encourage sharing resources and ideas with others so long as they are referenced. However, if attendees wish to deliver ‘Word Aware’ training for others outside of their organisation and join our training network then participants will need to attend a two day ‘Training for Trainers’ course.